Infant Oral Health Care in Mississauga

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Starting Healthy Habits Early

As a parent, you’re probably wondering if there’s something you can do to support the oral development of your baby. 

Even before your child has teeth, it’s important to clean your child’s gums to develop a healthy environment for teeth to grow. To support your child’s oral health, we recommend parents bring their child in when they turn 1 or within 6 months of their first tooth erupting. 

Is your child ready for their first trip to the dentist? Give us a call.

Bringing Your Baby for a Visit

When you bring your child in for their first dental visit, our practice aims to create an environment that is welcoming for your whole family. From the moment you arrive to the moment you leave we want you to be happy. Bringing your child in at an early age can help lower dental anxiety as they grow up. Our team knows the importance of creating a safe space for young children. 

Our goal is to help save you dental work-related stress later in their life. By bringing your child to the dentist early, we can help them become more comfortable with our office and processes. Plus, if your child requires orthodontic care or tooth decay treatment later in life, they may be more comfortable thanks to an early positive experience at the dentist. 

During your visit, expect to be heard and understood. Your opinion matters. Your concerns will be discussed and we will develop together the best course of action for your infant’s oral health care. 

How We Can Help

Restorative Dental Care

If your child has cavities or has a dental emergency  then we will discuss restorative dental care options and develop a course of action together to address your concerns and your child’s needs.

We aim to create a fun and positive experience for your child. Communication and trust is key to any relationship. We understand that every child is different and we tailor our approach to each individual. Our aim is to help teach your child how to enjoy the dental environment while receiving the care they require. We will use a variety of behaviour guidance techniques to avoid putting your child asleep for dental care. We do not put children asleep and will guide you and your child through their care in a safe and compassionate environment. We will often utilize the benefits of nitrous oxide and oxygen (commonly known as laughing gas) sedation to help children accept their care.

Our Location

Our office is centrally located in Mississauga, with several significant landmarks around. We’re located north of Trillium Mississauga Hospital. Around us, you’ll find the fire station directly to the south, St. Catherine of Siena church next door to the north, and Rabba Fine Foods across Hurontario Street. Contact us if you need directions—we’ll help you get here.

Our Address

  • 2338 Hurontario St. Suite 401
  • Mississauga, ON L5B 1N1

Talk To Us

Our Business Hours

  • Monday: 7:30 AM 11:30 AM
  • Tuesday: 10:00 AM 7:30 PM
  • Wednesday: Closed
  • Thursday: 7:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 7:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

*For our patients 24 hour on call emergency service

Our Services

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