Child Oral Health Care in Mississauga

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Oral Health Care for Children

Our practice strives to be an environment where children feel happy and safe because regular visits to the dentist are important in preventing oral health issues. We recommend your child visits us every 6 months for an exam and cleaning

During your child’s visit, we love to make your child smile! Our regular patients love looking forward to seeing what animated or seasonal character will be on Dr. Andrews’ tie or scrubs that day. 

Have you booked your child’s next dental appointment? Give us a call.

What to Expect During Your Child’s Dental Exam

During your child’s exam, we’ll identify any possible oral health issues and discuss treatment options. Our goal is to provide total care for all your child’s oral health needs including positive experiences coming to the dentist. We will help you and your child to develop home-care oral health routines to achieve a cavity-free and healthy future.

If your child is dealing with any issues or if it’s time for their next exam, give us a call.

How We Can Help

Exams & Cleanings

We recommend that your child comes in for a dental exam and cleaning at least every 6-9 months. The cleaning helps reduce plaque and tartar buildup that may have occurred since their last visit. The exam is our opportunity to ensure your child is receiving the oral health care they need.

If your child has or has had cavities or a dental emergency, we will discuss and propose appropriate evidence-based restorative dental care or root canal options to address the problem. Your concerns and opinions will be valued as we develop a plan together in the best interest of your child.

Many orthodontic problems can be identified early and dealt with by working with growth; often avoiding the need for permanent tooth extractions and/or jaw surgery. Our team will work with you and your child to determine what orthodontic treatment, if any, is best for them.

Book Your Child’s Next Appointment

Have you booked your child’s semi-annual dental appointment? Book today.

Our Location

Our office is centrally located in Mississauga, with several significant landmarks around. We’re located north of Trillium Mississauga Hospital. Around us, you’ll find the fire station directly to the south, St. Catherine of Siena church next door to the north, and Rabba Fine Foods across Hurontario Street. Contact us if you need directions—we’ll help you get here.

Our Address

  • 2338 Hurontario St. Suite 401
  • Mississauga, ON L5B 1N1

Talk To Us

Our Business Hours

  • Monday: 7:30 AM 11:30 AM
  • Tuesday: 10:00 AM 7:30 PM
  • Wednesday: Closed
  • Thursday: 7:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 7:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

*For our patients 24 hour on call emergency service

Our Services

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